Whitepapper $DOG on*Rocket* collection: 1.WHAT First Text for BIOS (TFB) collection & within the memecoin dog Community; the collection is 300 text inscriptions; the inscriptions are unique within the standard $DOG on*Rocket*; $DOG is the ticker of the memecoin runes DOG GO TO THE MOON; Rocket is the word that varies in each inscription, each one contains a rocket name; the source used is the excellent Wikipedia page on rockets; the result is a kind of meme-phrase, an innovation within the crypto ecosystem, extending the culture of PFP to text ordinals, within the culture of community and meme cults; the idea is that those who have the insciption use the TFB in their bio just as they use jpgs in profile pictures. 2.WHO I am a Brazilian anthropologist, social educator and poet; I entered ordinals early, from the first year, but with text inscriptions; ASCIIart and poems, I'm still in love with it; but without jpgs I didn't win runestone or dogs... patience, I decided not to cry, I bought and bought and hold dog; instead of being bitter, I saw the beauty of the fair and free movement of Leonidas and I am here in blood and sweat to create together and go to the moon. 3.WHEN the collection will launch in December 2024; the X is already enabled as @DOGonRocket. 4.WHY to experiment with the poetic possibilities within the Bitcoin artistic ecosystem and also strengthen the revolt of the Free and Fair movement. 5.WHERE The collection will be by the Ordinals protocol on Bitcoin; the release will be on some platform, I'll try on one of the biggest ones; the posting of content and engagement with the community will be by X. 6.HOW The launch will be open and free.