Wake up one day to a simple morning. Your breakfast, your coffee, your media and sense of yourself. These experiences loop over the linearity questioning what has been and what might once become. Did you wake up? Did you not see this happening at some place - at some stage, already? Waking Life. Walking Life. Working - for Life. Our energy is endless source of hashpower. Will there be a day of me getting up, unplugging circuits from my brain and fighting the oppression of the distributed possession? One could presume there is no objective reality as the energy extracted from your being recreates stories to feed your need for living and transcends the rest to secure itself. Could the Chain become so self-aware and power hungry to chain its creators into a role of an energoslave? As we tap the geothermal volcanos to provide for our needs and security, there might be a moment our concious spirits get abducted into a parallel world with our bodies harnessed for the same purpose. Human Volcanoes mining their own preprogrammed happiness. Well bloody-oiled machines. To chiphalla!